Artem Grebenshchikov
Chef of the Bourgeois Bohemians restaurant. Coach of the Russian national team World Skills. Speaker at Russian and International gastronomic congresses Madrid Fusion, Chef's BREAKFAST, Megustro, Gastreet.

  • The best chef of 2022 according to the restaurant award “Chef’s BREAKFAST”
  • The best chef of 2018, 2019 and 2022 according to the Where To Eat restaurant awards
  • The best Chef of 2018 according to GQ
  • The best chef of 2017 and 2018 according to the Top 100 Restaurants in St. Petersburg award
“For me, cuisine is always more than just a dish or a menu.
Cuisine can’t be considered only in terms of taste or aesthetics of presentation.

Cuisine is a dialogue, a way of communication, one of the tools for understanding this world.

And cuisine accurately conveys our emotions. When we cook, we can reflect our feelings in this process, such as joy, inspiration and love. “
Aleksey Grebenshchikov
The pastry chef of the Bourgeois Bohemians restaurant. Ambassador of the French brand Cacao Barry. Coach of the Russian national team World Skills.

Best pastry chef of 2023 according to the All-Russian Restaurant Award Where To Eat.

The best pastry chef of Russia 2022 according to the restaurant award Chef's Breakfast.

His desserts are published in the most respected industry magazines:
  • Revolution in Pastry,
  • So Good,
  • Arte Heladero,
  • Saber y Sabor.

Speaker at Russian and International gastronomic congresses Madrid Fusion, Madrid International Pastry, Chef's Breakfast, Gastreet.
"When I come to another country or a new region and see some unfamiliar product, I definitely try it. My mind is designed that I already automatically come up with a pair for each ingredient."
"Dessert for me is a very important part of restaurant cuisine. A dish that gave the guest positive emotions after a wonderful dinner. We always like and will like sweetly. The more textures and technique there are in a dessert, the more interesting it is, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. Therefore, I succeed in achieving the important aesthetic component, balance and complexity."
"My main source of inspiration is new products that give the industry fresh ideas and the opportunity to create something unique, and this is very motivating!”
ООО «Бобо»
ИНН: 7842142457
ОГРН: 1177847338349
Bourgeois Bohemians
1st place in the Top 52 best restaurants in St. Petersburg, according to the Where To Eat 2023 award
Bourgeois Bohemians
3rd place in the Top 100 best restaurants in Russia according to the All-Russian restaurant Award Where To Eat 2023
Bourgeois Bohemians
In 2019, in the list of the best restaurants in St. Petersburg in the 50 Best Discovery guide
Bourgeois Bohemians
The best author's and conceptual restaurant in the framework of the HORECA ULTRA PROFESSIONAL UP COMPETITION
Bourgeois Bohemians
The best restaurant in St. Petersburg in 2019 according to the restaurant award "Bay Leaf"
Bourgeois Bohemians
Finalist of the Palme d'Or 2019 Award
Bourgeois Bohemians
The best restaurant of 2018, 2019 and 2022 according to the "Top 100 restaurants of St. Petersburg" Award
Bourgeois Bohemians
Winners of the What's Where in St. Petersburg Award — 2023